SEO starts with indexing. If your site's pages are in the search engine database (Google, Yandex, Bing, etc.), users will be able to find it, if not, – alas, the chances of attracting customers from the search are equal to zero.
Important! If the site is not indexed, it makes no sense to promote it.
What is site indexing
Indexing – the process of crawling a site by search engine robots. During the indexing process, the robot adds the site page to its database in order to show it to the user when he turns to the search engine with the appropriate request.
How to add a site to the search engine index
To let the search engine know about your site, use the webmaster tools found at Google Search Console.
Important! Make sure the site is open for indexing in Robots.txt
How to find out the number of pages in the Google index
The easiest way to find out the approximate number of pages that appear in search results is to use search operators:
- site: - for the whole site
- info: - for a single url
Enter site: domain.com.ua in the search box, where:
- site: - search operator
- domain.com.ua – your site's domain

If you want to know if a particular page is being searched, use the info:
operatorEnter info: domain.com.ua/page in the search box, where:
- info: - search operator
- domain.com.ua/page – a separate page of your site

This data is very approximate, but allows you to estimate the real number of pages that can attract customers.
More reliable information about the indexing status can be obtained in the webmaster toolbar - Google Search Console.
Using the Beta version of Search Console, you can get the most detailed report on the indexing status of your site's pages.

If the number of pages in the sitemap matches the number of pages in the search engine index, everything is fine. If search engines refuse to index the – it's time to panic!
Why isn't the auto parts site indexed
Before jumping into the real causes of bad indexing, make sure that:
- Site added to Google Search Console;
- The site or individual pages are not blocked from indexing in Robots.txt;
- The site or individual pages are not blocked from indexing by the meta tag ;
- The site has a Sitemap.
If we exclude the banal mistakes of a novice webmaster, then there are not so many reasons for poor indexing, these are:
- Limited server capabilities;
- Complex multi-level structure with a lot of nesting;
- A lot of duplicate content.
It makes no sense to separately consider the issue of server technical capabilities for sites running on Allzap CMS. You can verify this using the PageSpeed Insights tool:

If your site is developed on the basis of a boxed version of CMS and hosted on a standard hosting, we recommend that you read the article about the benefits of SaaS solutions .
Site structure and crawl depth
Scan depth – the final number of pages that Googlebot wants and can crawl.
The closer internal pages are to the main page of the site, the higher the chance that the robot will visit them first. Autosites have problems with this – too much investment. Consider the structure of a classic online auto parts store that implements the selection of auto parts using TekDoc.

As you can see, before getting to the product page, Googlebot needs to go through at least five levels of pages. If you think Googlebot is lazy, you are wrong ;) Google is interested in extremely efficient crawlingge. The search engine strives to provide users with the most relevant answers, so it controls the relevance of information. At the same time, the cost of crawling and indexing pages on the web is one of Google's biggest expenses. Therefore, indexing optimization – a priority for both parties.
Duplicate content
Duplicate content – this is the same content on two or more pages of the site. Also in SEO, the term "implicit duplicate" is used; - the content of two or more pages overlaps partially.
The most common full or partial duplicate content is found on:
- Product page (article, original numbers, name, characteristics);
- Model page (name of brand, model);
- Model modification page (in some cases, the information is completely duplicated except for the engine size and type of fuel);
- Products list page (category name, brand and model of car, display of identical products).
Content Uniqueness
Whatever one may say, but the characteristics and numbers of auto parts, if you do not want to mislead customers, cannot be changed. In the same way, you cannot change the name of brands and models of cars. If you add to this list the fact that almost every normal online auto parts store uses TekDoc for selection, the chances of getting a unique site without making any effort are close to zero.
However, to create a cult of unique content – no less dangerous for the reputation of the resource. Any content presented on the site should be primarily useful and in demand by the user.
Why the site is indexed but quickly leaves the index
It is very easy to understand that a site is excluded from the search engine index. First call – traffic drop. In Google Analytics it looks like this:

To confirm the hypothesis, go to the Search Console. If the indexing status report looks like this, alas, the search engine has de-indexed the site.

In the world of search marketing, there are many reasons for de-indexing, but in the case of an autosite, the key one – content.
If a search engine indexed your site when you launched your online store, it doesn't mean it will always be like this. Some time will pass, Google will analyze the content of the pages of your site and, if it turns out to be of poor quality, uninformative, not unique, it will exclude the resource from the search results. There is no need for a search engine to store and process large amounts of unnecessary and useless information.
What to do to get your site indexed
The only way to influence the indexing and ranking of the – constantly work on improving its quality.
Content is the King
In order not to fall out of favor with Google, try to make the pages of your online store of the highest quality, informative, and useful for users.
Create unique texts for each – this is not even a utopia, this is madness, because the – it's millions of pages. Manually optimize only the highest priority ones:
- Brand page;
- Model page (optional);
- Category page;
Read more about optimizing an online auto parts store in the article.
Special attention should be paid to optimizing the product page, because the array of pages of this level leaves at least 70% of the site. To make the page as useful and unique as possible in the eyes of search engines:
Try to collect the maximum number of offers from various providers, this will not only increase the uniqueness relative to other resources on the network, but also reduce the percentage of duplicate content within the site;

Regularly add new crosses and adjust brands – this will allow you to uniqueize the block with analogues;

Add a description of the product and brand – this will make the page more informative and useful for the user.

Internal linking
Correct internal linking affects not only indexing and ranking, but also allows you to make the site more user-friendly.
At the same time, relinking – it is also part of the content of a single page, which affects the uniqueness and quality of the site as a whole.
For online stores running on Allzap CMS, in the "Optimal Business" tariffs, we implement the following linking scheme.
Model page:
links to model's page in reverse fit:

refers to other models within its brand except itself:

Model page in reverse fit:
refers to the same part for other models within its brand, but does not refer to itself:

links to pages of other parts subcategories in her category except for herself:

We also implemented the display of product pages on all pages of the category, brand and model of the reverse selection:

And in the block with analogues on the product page, links are displayed only to those products that are in your price lists. The rest of the articles are for reference only.

How does it work?
- Relinking allows you to partially solve the problem with the uniqueness and duplication of content – this improves the quality of the site in the eyes of search engines;
- Google bots don't have to go through five levels of nesting to get to the – this noticeably speeds up indexing and improves its quality;
- By removing links to out-of-stock products, we don't index extra – users interested only in products from your price lists will come from the search;
- The user gets convenient site navigation, can evaluate the range and cost of goods at the first step of selection.
How many pages of your site has Google indexed?