When a good product appears on the market, sooner or later a low-grade fake will appear. Only honest or lazy people do not want to make money on someone else's reputation. However, this problem is relevant not only for goods. There is also dishonesty in the development of software for the sale of spare parts.
An attempt to pass someone else off as one's own
Development of online auto parts stores and software for the auto business in general – complex, expensive and specific direction in IT. Complexity attracts qualified specialists, high cost – wishing to earn, alas, not always honestly.
There are not so many companies specializing in the development of auto sites, and those who know how to do it well can be counted on one hand.
However, do not confuse the development of an online spare parts store with the banal connection of the TecDoc module to the boxed version of Opencart. But today we are not talking about professionalism, but about trying to pass off someone else's as our own.
Specialists of the company "AvtokatPro" (autocat.pro) kindly offer to launch an online store based on the TecDoc + Opencart bundle and are even ready to boast of a great portfolio in which we – oh miracle! – discovered the portal Allzap.ua.

Let's not talk about what made the company place other people's works in its portfolio – I think everything is clear.
Attention! We have nothing to do with AvtokatPro. Portal Allzap.ua has been powered by Allzap CMS from launch to the present day.
Allzap CMS – registered licensed software product. All rights of use and distribution are owned by Allzap. Attempts of hacking, copying, appropriation and other attacks are punishable by law.
Turnkey website + free business
Not so long ago, a person contacted us with a request to transfer a site running on Allzap CMS to its hosting. By the way, we did not even know such a client. As it turned out later, we were approached by a deceived auto parts seller.
The scam looks like this:
- The fraudster acquires a license to use Allzap CMS;
- Contributes to the content of the site;
- Under the guise of the service "turnkey website development" sells a rented online store to a third party for a considerable amount;
- A person who bought an online store contacts us with a request to transfer the site to its hosting and, of course, is refused;
Attention! Allzap CMS is a SaaS solution that does not require operation on a third-party server. We do not sell the site in the property and do not provide redemption rights. We offer a professional SaaS solution billed monthly. Read more about the benefits of SaaS:
I will buy your site cheap
The desire to own a good autosite is quite understandable. Alas, the market value of an online spare parts store with Allzap CMS functionality makes entrepreneurs abandon their plans. But as practice shows – far from all. We were convinced of this when, bypassing the manager and management, someone contacted the IT department of our company with a persistent offer to buy Allzap CMS in full. Of course, the brave and economical citizen was refused, but the attempt was counted;)
Attention! For questions related to website development, software improvements, SEO optimization and other services of our company, please contact – contacts.
Dear current and future customers! We do our best to ensure that your interaction with Allzap CMS was as comfortable and productive as possible. We pay special attention to the transparency of work and safety. If you know cases or attempts of fraud related to the work of Allzap CMS, write to us - info@allzap.pro.